Monday, April 4, 2011

Free Kindergarten ABA Apps for Autism Awareness Month is offering all of their ABA apps free for the month of April in honor of Autism Awareness Month. I was actually going to purchase some this week after hearing about them over at Unringing the Bell. Really, I bought an iTunes card at the grocery store this weekend so I could get my fuel discount. Glad I didn't have time to use it!

FYI: The ones listed under the heading Flashcards were always free and the rest of them were 99 cents.

I would recommend the receptive language ones and I downloaded the Action Flashcards for Goldie because verbs are something she has been working on in speech.


Laura said...

Thanks Brandie! I really like their flashcard apps, so I'm sure the others that I downloaded tonight will be great too. I hope it's OK to put this on my blog as well. I made sure to give you credit.

Ria said...

oooh!! They have good apps. I also like the ones made by Smart Baby Apps. Very customizable and using real, good quality pictures.
Thanks for your comment on my blog about the TalkTools kit. It's always good to get other moms' opinions on stuff. :-)