Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last Week of May

Well, I've gone from feeling blech to throwing up morning, noon, and night. Lovely. I was sick like this with my oldest, but I don't remember the middle two being so bad. I had to tell the speech therapist no more 9 am sessions. I would love to take a month off, but I would feel to guilty if I did that to Goldie. Then again, she seems burnt out herself some days.

On Wednesday the big girls had dentist appointments. (No cavities!) While we were there I mentioned that the DS Center suggested Goldie start being seen by a dentist. They suggested letting her take a ride in the chair and not upsetting her by trying to actually clean her teeth. So she had a good time sitting in the chair and playing with all the tools they use. The hygenist was great and really talked to Goldie just like she would any 2 year old. She has an appointment to go back in 6+ months with her sisters. Since I wasn't expecting them to actually look at Goldie's teeth, I didn't bring my camera.

On the sleeping front, things continue to improve. In the last week, Goldie has slept through the night, 4 times. I still wake up now and then and I've seen Goldie sitting up in her sleep a couple times. So, I think she is still waking up, but is having an easier time falling back to sleep. I scheduled her sleep study this week. I asked to wait until July, hoping I will feel better. I can't imagine taking her if I am still throwing up this much.

I'm off to sew Girl Scout patches, tomorrow's the big picnic!


Loren Stow said...

Well done Goldie for sleeping through!
I hope you start feeling better - although I suppose with pregnancy 'feeling better' is sometimes not an option - not for a whole 9 months!
Good luck!

Beth said...

Way to go Goldie--dentist and sleeping! Now, Goldie, if only you had a cure for your Mommy's tummy, she sure would appreciate it.

Monica said...

Sounds like you have a great dentist!! I'm happy she is sleeping so much better for you! Hope you start feeling better!!