Monday, November 23, 2009

36 Weeks!

I had my 36 week midwife appointment today. It felt so wierd to go back, since I was just there 5 days ago. But, weekly visits it is from here on out!

I measured 35 cm. Which is just great! He doesn't seem to be a very big baby and they estimate he'll be about 6 1/2 pounds, no more than 7. I can't wait to see if they're right. I know the u/s I had with Goldie wasn't very accurate. I was offered an u/s today, but declined. My neighbor is going through a complicated pregnancy right now, with weekly ultrasounds and visits to specialists. I see the emotional roller coaster this has put them on and I want no part of it. I don't need any help finding things to worry about.

The midwife also mentioned that there was a RSV outbreak at the hospital they use. (I'm planning on delivering at a birth center.) Healthy newborns from the nursery were testing infected and they had to stop admitting mothers to labor and delivery. I relayed this story to my husband who still thinks a hospital birth may be safer. It just shows that anything can happen regardless of how well thought out and researched our choices are.

I've also been thinking a lot lately about trusting my instincts and intuition with this pregnancy. I'm finding it harder since Goldie was born. My question is this: Did you "know" (in your gut, not medically speaking) your baby was going to have DS or have a feeling that something wasn't right when you were pregnant?


Wendy P said...

I knew something was "off". I also had several little clues along the way. I blogged about my premonitions during Oct.

I can't believe you're so close to meeting your little guy!

Kim said...

I had no clue what so ever. Everything was perfect with my pregnancy medically speaking, and I felt great and any problems the baby would have was so far from my mind. But then, Charlie, despite having Down Syndrome, was a very healthy baby who did great during birth, and would have done great at a home birth I am sure. It was my second son, who was born at home, that needed a little help with the whole breathing thing when he was born. But, the midwives are equipped for that!

Mel said...

Luke was our third baby. I was well all throughout my pregnancy, and the only problem was a very low-lying placenta which later moved out of the way. But he was NEVER still, which I had no idea was a sign until well after his birth, and I remember sitting on the side of our bed one night saying to my husband "He is alright isn't he?" because he was just so active. The midwife sometimes had to sort of 'corner' him to get a heart beat because he was flipping around like a tadpole in there :) Needless to say, he hasn't stopped since. But other than that there were no signs and it was a huge shock. AND we had a detailed 3D scan at around 36 weeks which was lovely, and they got a great shot of his face along with all the rest and still had no idea!
By the way, is there a reason you ask?...

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I had midwives for both. For Blyss I planned a home birth that ended up being a hospital birth due to finding meconium when my water broke. That bought me a ticket right into the hospital. My midwives did have the ability to deliver her and be my sole care in the hospital though. With Wysdom as soon as they found out about the u/s I was sent to a specialist but I kept my midwife for sanity and just someone to talk to about everything. I had what felt like a million u/s and appointments. Yes that part of it was very verystressful. Prior to getting the dx I just felt a lot of cramps and abdominal pain. Hang in there, you are almost at the finish line. I am so excited for you. Can't wait to meet your little man.

Karen said...

Not a clue. I "knew" the other two boys were boys without the aid of an ultrasound, but I didn't know that Micah was a special little boy. My radar must be way off.

Beverly said...

Happy all is going well. I felt something or more like hints but I ignored them.

Cheryl said...

I'm excited for you! I had five of my children with a midwife in a birthing center that is a 100 year old house.I loved my midwife and her apprentices.
My pregnancy with Ruby was good but different from my others.Ruby was much smaller and was not as active in utero as my other babies.I did think something was not right.
I can't wait to see your new baby!